Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Wow, I can't believe it has been a month since I posted anything here. The past month has been full of trials and challenges - but I am still in the game!!

I am strictly following the 5&1 plan and am well on my way to reaching my goal. I realized this past week that I am over half way to my goal - WOO HOO! I must not lose sight of where I want to be. I struggle with being comfortable at this weight, it is easy for me to stay here. I will not quit - I WILL finish the task.

Monday, May 11, 2009


There are no failures in weight loss only small battles won and lost.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beyond the Conditioned Mind

Beyond the Conditioned Mind
by: Paul Lowe

We each live in our own individual world. It may not look like it, but 6 billion people live in 6 billion separate realities.

The way we see and experience the world is determined by how we grew up, the attitudes, opinions, beliefs and limitations we were given. In other words, by the conditioning we received to our minds and emotions.

This conditioning effects the way in which we see things. It is as though we are looking out of a window with curved glass - everything appears distorted. This distortion is created by our conditioning.

It isn't so

We think that which we see is the way things are, but it is not so. We are actually seeing through the distortion of our conditioned mind and this puts a spin on to our whole life and how we perceive ourselves. It is a huge handicap and certainly prevents us from reaching our maximum potential.

When we begin to disconnect from our mind and its fixed opinions an unexplainable mystery happens - life gets easier and better and better. Everything starts to click into place. Anger and judgment dissipate, a feeling of freedom descends and a gentle peace starts to permeate our whole being.

With that phenomenon comes another phase that keeps us moving and growing. We begin to recognise that life presents us with what we need to evolve into our greatest potential as a human being.

To take advantage of this possibility: be more adventurous, experiment, take a few risks. More aliveness happens in unpredictable situations. You only have one short life, and this is it. Live it to the full and don't take it too seriously. Have fun!


What is your conditioning? Identify ways in which your perception is distorted.

Think of one risk you can take this week.

Take that risk, in a spirit of adventure.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do Something!

You cannot do everything, but you can do something.

Only you can make it happen.
No one can do it for you.
No one will do it for you.

Always accept the responsibility for your actions.
Always set a higher standard for yourself.

Choose the thoughts and actions that will lead
you on to success.

Your success is but a determined action away...

Monday, May 4, 2009


I finally broke my 175 block. I have gotten to 175 many times since I started MF, but once I would hit 175, I would relax and become complacent. I decided to 'mess with my head' a little and I put the scale away for 2 weeks. It worked!!

I woke up this morning at 172 - woo hoo!! I am going to put the scale away for another two weeks and hope for 169. At 160, I get my new Louis Vuitton bag and I can't wait!! I am going to St. Louis the first of June for a health coach conference and I would love to be able to purchase the bag by then - so although that will be 12 lbs in a month - I am going to go for it!!!

I can do this - I AM doing this!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


"A real transformation begins on the inside, not in a bottle or a package. The magic is sitting inside you, just waiting to be let out. The transformation is a learning process, one that comes from realizing you control your destiny, and that you can accomplish whatever you decide you're going to accomplish."

"Make the decision, then do something - no matter how small - toward accomplishing what you want."

Good Morning, I wish you all an amazing day today. I found this quote and thought it fit our situation perfectly. Medifast is an incredible tool to help get us to our goal weight, but ultimately, it is up to each and every one of us to dig deep inside and commit to the program.

Believe you are worth it, believe you can do it, believe you deserve. It is much easier to fix the external, but we must also work on the internal. If you have negative feeling, try and turn them around. Please don't get caught up in negative self talk, self sabatouge and doubt. Have faith, know that you can and you will!

So, get up, mix a shake and conquer today, you are strong, you are mighty, you are a warrior and you will win this battle!!!

Blessing to you all!


Friday, April 24, 2009

"Life affords no higher pleasure, than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified.

He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking, has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by joy; he is always moving to a certain end, and when he has attained it, an end more distant invites him to a new pursuit."

Good morning!

Today’s motivation relates to those who are in the first stages of transformation as well as those who are struggling in any area of their lives.

We all know the first few days of the MF program can be quite challenging. I believe we must rely on hope and faith to get us through those first days, and afterward, we truly will be rewarded by joy and a sense of great accoomplishment.

The joys of feeling strong, the joys of feeling confident, the joys of feeling lean, the joys of waking up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. The joys of knowing that we are truly accomplishing something amazing, something life changing.

Take a moment and dare to dream of how you will feel at your goal weight, what will you be wearing, where will you be, how will you feel? Think of all the ways your weight has held you back, all the things you did not do because you were too tired, to self-conscience, to fearful. Now, imagine yourself at your goal weight, full of energy, feeling strong and confident and ready to conquer everything in your path.

Allow yourself to really feel how amazing it will be at your goal. How awesome is that!!!

Believing in you and all that you can be,
